Beyond POTS: Understanding the Complex Web of Dysautonomia

In this episode of My POTS Podcast, Dr. Joseph Schneider explains how Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is often one component of a broader autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Drawing from his 35 years of experience as a functional neurologist and his personal stroke recovery journey, Dr. Schneider examines the intricate relationship between the brain's regulatory centers and multiple body systems. He and co-host Joseph Quirk provide an extensive overview of how dysautonomia affects various aspects of health, from temperature regulation to digestive function. The discussion explores the critical role of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis in maintaining bodily homeostasis and how its disruption can lead to diverse symptoms. Listeners will learn about the impact of neuroinflammation on autonomic function and discover innovative, non-pharmaceutical approaches to treatment. This episode offers valuable insights for both patients and healthcare providers seeking to better understand and address autonomic disorders. Connect with Dr. Joseph Schneider: Website: Hope Brain and Body Recovery Center LinkedIn: Joseph Schneider YouTube: hopebrainbodyrecoverycenter Instagram: @hopebraincenter_ Facebook: Hope Brain and Body Recovery Center

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In this episode of My POTS Podcast, Dr. Joseph Schneider explains how Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is often one component of a broader autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Drawing from his 35 years of experience as a functional neurologist and his personal stroke recovery journey, Dr. Schneider examines the intricate relationship between the brain's regulatory centers and multiple body systems. He and co-host Joseph Quirk provide an extensive overview of how dysautonomia affects various aspects of health, from temperature regulation to digestive function. The discussion explores the critical role of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis in maintaining bodily homeostasis and how its disruption can lead to diverse symptoms. Listeners will learn about the impact of neuroinflammation on autonomic function and discover innovative, non-pharmaceutical approaches to treatment. This episode offers valuable insights for both patients and healthcare providers seeking to better understand and address autonomic disorders.

Connect with Dr. Joseph Schneider:

Website: Hope Brain and Body Recovery Center

LinkedIn: Joseph Schneider

YouTube: hopebrainbodyrecoverycenter

Instagram: @hopebraincenter_

Facebook: Hope Brain and Body Recovery Center

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